Baking Aid for Palestine

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A message from the author 

I have always taken a lot of pleasure in cooking. It is so satisfying to eat food that you have cooked yourself; it's not only economical but food cooked at home is also nutritional. For me, baking is one of the most enjoyable methods of cooking .... and it fills your kitchen with an array of wonderful aromas!

All recipes have been contributed by family and friends. 

They are well-loved and timeless classics which are simple, easy to fallow and delicious.

I hope you get immense joy and satisfaction recreating these recipes and wish all the best to any budding or aspiring bakers! 
Most importantly, thank you for choosing to buy this book. In doing so, you are contributing to the efforts of Friends of Al Aqsa - an organisation whose mission is to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine by bringing relief in their constant struggle for a peaceful and dignified life.

Finally, may the Lord grant you success in baking, and in life. 

Sahema Bapu, June 2010 

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