A Brief History of Palestine

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A Brief History of Palestine 

  • Tracess chronologically the events in Palestine from 6,000 BC to 2019.
  • Offers a wealth of information and fact
  • Counters the myths that have been spun around the issue of Palestine;
  • is beautifully laid-out and easy to understand
  • is an invaluable aide to understand the crisis in Palestine and 
  • is a must for all concerned with the Middle East and World Peace.

About The Author

 Dr Ismail Adam Patel is a human rights activist, founder of Friends of Al Aqsa, a UK-based NGO and a decolonial thinker. He's a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Leeds and the author of several books, including A Brief History of Palestine (2023), The Muslim Problem (2022), and Madina to Jerusalem (2005).

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