The Prophets in Palestine - Prophet Isa

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The Prophets in Palestine

The Prophets in Palestine is a series of books aimed at providing children with a better understanding of
the importance of Jerusalem and Masjid Al Aqsa in Islam. This series of books focuses on several of the Prophets who lived in Palestine and felt a deep connection to the blessed land. 


Prophet Isa 

The story of Prophet Isa
is full of miracles and shows us how the powers of Allah are limitless. Isa was the son of Mariam who was the best of all women and beloved to Allah. Isa was born without a father and was able to speak even as a baby. He spent his life teaching people in Jerusalem and in Palestine about Allah.

This story will inspire young children and draw their hearts and minds closer to Jerusalem and Masjid
Al-Aqsa where Isa and his mother Mariam lived and worshipped Allah. It will also help children to understand the life of prophet Isa according to the Islamic tradition.

Age 5+

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